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Today is my 29th Wedding Anniversary!

Well what better day to start blogging for the first time in my life than today! Life, as life goes has brought many ups and downs over the last almost 35 years together with my husband.

On social media things always look rosie but as we know the reality is that relationships take a lot of work!

But just like anything else it can take a great effort to receive the reward on the other end. Right now as we adjust to this pandemic corona virus temporary way of life we will have to find the rewards in each day. Keeping up your exercise and staying motivated will be very challenging. But I think for my friends in the cycling community it may be a challenge to find stillness. Oddly enough I am finding myself somewhat content to be in in one place. I feel safe and protected. Realizing how grateful I am gives me peace in this crazy time in history.

My “intention” as we say in yoga practice for you today is finding contentment in the space you are in. You can do it!

Many Blessings,

Coach Roxy

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Kara

    Very well said

  2. Aymara

    Love it! Thank you for finding the time for positive words.

  3. Maureen

    What better beau to celebrate then doing something new. Keep moving !!

  4. Tammeria

    Beautifully written Elena ❤️

  5. Andrea Tyson

    Aw yes finding the contentment in stillness🥰
    Happy Anniversary!!

  6. Oralia Arce

    Positive words are always encouraging, thank you & congratulations 🥂

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