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Who out there is technically challenged, raise your hand!

We are all taking a new look at our options within the home. Wether that be to stay social, find new recipes, helping to support our communities or ways to stay motivated!

Thank goodness for technology. Although, balance may be another topic for discussion. I think it is true for all of us that we are finding technology to be an invaluable tool that is also a vital lifeline the outside world. For myself, I am on the self taught end of things which can sometimes drive my children to pull there own hair. Thanks to my village and taking some risks out of the comfort zone I am making progress!

Each day into this new life I try to attack my list of “Goals” taped to the wall. One of those goals was to spend the time needed to work out the kinks on my indoor bicycle set up. I am going to bore you with some details that A) you can skip over or B) you may find interesting if you are looking for a home set up for yourself.

I have a Kickr Snap (brand of blue tooth trainer) along with the Zwift bike riding app. Both of which are a very cool. This set up is very similar to what the Peloton bike offers. Step one use your own bicycle that you can mount onto the bluetooth bicycle trainer. Step 2 you can sync it up to your downloaded Zwift app that will allow you to connect to the TV and ride virtually with others! Step 3….we won’t go there!! This is all good in a perfect world. Let’s face it, these kinks can suck the life out of your day.

Normally its Go Go Go! Trying to fit everything in the day means band aiding things and keep moving forward. So, I encourage you to take on some of those uncomfortable tasks. This is the time to figure this shit out. After an on and off effort and a bit of hair pulling I have been given hope that I have conquered the dark forces of being technically challenged. If you face those challenges, know you are not alone! Keep at it, chip away at whatever your list taped to the wall looks like.

We must all to continue to take those steps to give ourselves the feeling of having the control to accomplish what we can big or small. Stay healthy, stay connected to your village. Any questions be sure and ping me!

Sending positive thoughts to all,

Coach Roxy